Why our NFTs are special and unique

2 min readFeb 9, 2022

As you might know from our earlier posts we’re working on a new unique way of presenting car data, statistics, technical specs and a lot more. Covering makes and models worldwide. Thats our core business. However we’re using the data we have to create a unique and fun NFT collection and NFT gaming experience. This leads to a very special NFT collection that is a litle bit different to the usual generated toons, chamelons and whatever else.

Everything we do is based on real world data. Rarity of various models in the collection, the attributes of the NFT, the stats you’ll use to play TopTrumps with. Thats all 100% based on real world data.

Take a look at this example taken from OpenSea , you’ll see that it has real world specs of the Countach built in 1974 and a matching Description.

By building the collection we not only create a fun NFT game but we also create something that has historic value as all these stats will be saved on blockchain forever leading to a nice way of learning about cars and getting historic information about some really rare models including some movie cars and special editions.

If you’d love to join, we’re currently in the minting phase https://nft.icdb.io/mint

Do you need help on how to mint or get involved?

If you don’t know how to get MATIC, here’s a nice guide: https://medium.com/prepo/setting-up-metamask-and-getting-eth-matic-on-polygon-step-by-step-guide-fd55147a0f05

You can also convert anything to Matic directly on Binance

If you’re already using ETH, you can use our ETH based collection on OpenSea https://opensea.io/collection/icdb-auctions

Make sure to join our Discord! -> https://discord.com/invite/NUndMp3PHK
And follow us: https://twitter.com/icdbase

